Can International Students Study Part-Time in the UK?

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Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for many international students. The United Kingdom (UK) has always been a popular destination due to its prestigious universities and high-quality education system. However, when it comes to studying part-time, international students often have questions and concerns. In this article, we will explore whether international students can study part-time in the UK and what the regulations and benefits are.

Understanding Part-Time Study

Before diving into the details, let’s clarify what part-time study means. Part-time study refers to enrolling in a lower number of courses or credits per semester compared to full-time study. It allows students to have a more flexible schedule, often beneficial for those who want to work, pursue internships, or engage in other activities alongside their studies.

Part-Time Study for International Students

International students in the UK have the opportunity to study part-time, but there are certain regulations that need to be followed. Firstly, it’s important to note that the immigration rules for part-time study are slightly different for students from within the European Economic Area (EEA) and those from outside the EEA.

For students from the EEA, which includes European Union (EU) member countries, part-time study is generally unrestricted. They can study as many or as few courses as they wish without affecting their immigration status. This flexibility allows EEA students to easily balance their studies with work or other commitments.

On the other hand, non-EEA international students have some limitations when it comes to part-time study. Under the Tier 4 student visa, which is the most common visa for international students in the UK, non-EEA students are only allowed to study part-time in specific circumstances.

Part-Time Study for Non-EEA International Students

Non-EEA international students can study part-time in the UK if they meet one of the following criteria:

  1. They are studying at a degree level and have completed the equivalent of at least one full academic year of study in the UK.
  2. They are studying at a recognized higher education institution on a course that is at least 6 months long, leading to a qualification at or above level 7 on the Ofqual register.
  3. They are repeating a module or retaking an exam.

If non-EEA international students do not meet any of these criteria, they will be required to study full-time. However, it’s worth noting that some universities may have their own policies regarding part-time study for international students, so it’s always recommended to check with the specific institution.

The Benefits of Part-Time Study

Part-time study offers a range of benefits for international students in the UK. Firstly, it allows them to gain practical work experience while studying, which can enhance their employability upon graduation. Many students choose to work part-time in their field of study, gaining valuable skills and insights.

Additionally, part-time study enables international students to have a better work-life balance. They can dedicate time to exploring the UK, immersing themselves in the culture, and building a network of friends from various backgrounds.

Furthermore, part-time study can also provide financial advantages. By working part-time, students can earn an income to support their living expenses, reducing the need for additional financial assistance.


In conclusion, international students can study part-time in the UK, but the regulations differ for students from within the EEA and those from outside the EEA. EEA students have more flexibility, while non-EEA students must meet specific criteria to study part-time. Part-time study offers numerous benefits, including practical work experience, a better work-life balance, and potential financial advantages. It’s important for international students to understand the regulations and consult with their university to ensure they are compliant and make the most of their study abroad experience in the UK.

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