Can We Get PR in UK After Study?

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Studying in the UK is a dream for many international students. The high-quality education system, diverse culture, and excellent opportunities for career growth make it an attractive destination. However, one question that often arises in the minds of students is whether they can obtain permanent residency (PR) in the UK after completing their studies. Let’s delve into this topic and explore the possibilities.

The Tier 4 Student Visa

International students who wish to study in the UK usually apply for a Tier 4 student visa. This visa allows them to study at a recognized educational institution in the UK. However, it is important to note that the Tier 4 student visa is a temporary visa and does not grant automatic permanent residency.

Post-Study Work Options

After completing their studies, students may have the option to stay and work in the UK for a period of time. Previously, there was a post-study work visa that allowed students to stay for two years after graduation. However, this visa route has been replaced with new policies.

Under the current regulations, students who have completed a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree from a recognized UK higher education institution can apply for the Graduate Route. This route allows international students to stay in the UK for up to two years after graduation to work or look for work. It is a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience and explore potential avenues for future settlement.

Transitioning to Permanent Residency

While the Tier 4 student visa and the Graduate Route offer opportunities to stay and work in the UK after study, they do not directly lead to permanent residency. However, they can be stepping stones towards achieving PR.

Once international students have completed their studies and gained work experience in the UK, they may be eligible to apply for other visa categories that can lead to permanent residency. These include the Skilled Worker Visa, Innovator Visa, Global Talent Visa, and more, depending on individual circumstances.

The requirements for each visa category may vary, but they generally assess factors such as skills, qualifications, work experience, and sponsorship. It is crucial to meet the specific criteria outlined by the UK government to have a higher chance of obtaining permanent residency.

Benefits of Permanent Residency

Obtaining permanent residency in the UK can bring numerous benefits. It provides individuals with the right to live and work in the UK without any time restrictions. PR holders can access public funds, healthcare, and education on par with UK citizens. It also opens up pathways to British citizenship, which further expands opportunities.


While the Tier 4 student visa and the Graduate Route do not directly grant permanent residency in the UK, they can serve as valuable stepping stones towards achieving this goal. By gaining work experience and meeting the specific requirements for different visa categories, international students can increase their chances of obtaining PR in the UK. It is important to stay informed about the latest policies and seek professional advice to navigate through the immigration process successfully.

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