Can You Study on a Work Visa in the UK?

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Studying abroad can be an incredible opportunity to gain new skills, expand your knowledge, and experience a different culture. If you are currently on a work visa in the UK and have aspirations to study, you may wonder if it is possible to pursue further education while working. In this article, we will explore the options available to individuals on a work visa who wish to study in the UK.

Understanding the Work Visa

Before diving into the details, let’s first understand what a work visa entails. A work visa, also known as a Tier 2 visa, allows individuals from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland to work in the UK for a specific employer. This visa is typically tied to a specific job and employer, and it grants the holder the right to live and work in the country for a limited period.

Can You Study on a Work Visa?

Yes, you can study on a work visa in the UK, but there are certain conditions and limitations. While the primary purpose of a work visa is employment, the UK government does allow visa holders to pursue further education alongside their job.

However, it’s important to note that your studies must not interfere with your work commitments. Your primary obligation is to your employer, and any educational pursuits should be secondary. This means that you should ensure your work schedule allows sufficient time for both your job and studies.

Part-Time Study

If you are on a work visa and wish to study, part-time courses can be a great option. Part-time study allows you to balance your work and educational commitments more easily. You can choose courses that align with your interests and career goals, without overwhelming yourself with a heavy study load.

Part-time study also offers the flexibility to attend classes outside of regular working hours. Many universities and colleges in the UK offer evening or weekend classes specifically tailored for working professionals. This flexibility allows you to make the most of your work visa while pursuing your educational aspirations.

Full-Time Study

While full-time study on a work visa can be more challenging, it is not entirely impossible. However, you must obtain permission from your employer and the UK Home Office before pursuing full-time education.

Applying for permission to study full-time on a work visa involves submitting a request to the Home Office, explaining your reasons for wanting to pursue full-time education and demonstrating how it will benefit your career. The Home Office will review your application on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors such as your job stability, commitment to your employer, and the relevance of your chosen course to your current employment.


In conclusion, it is indeed possible to study while on a work visa in the UK. Whether you opt for part-time or full-time study, it is important to ensure that your educational pursuits do not interfere with your work commitments. By maintaining a balance between work and study, you can make the most of your time in the UK, both professionally and academically.

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