How Many UK Students Study Abroad?

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Studying abroad has become an increasingly popular option for UK students in recent years. It offers a unique opportunity to gain a global perspective, immerse oneself in a different culture, and acquire valuable skills that can enhance future career prospects. But just how many UK students are taking advantage of this life-changing experience? Let’s delve into the numbers and explore the growing trend of studying abroad among UK students.

The Rising Trend

Over the past decade, the number of UK students studying abroad has seen a steady rise. According to the latest data, obtained from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), around 53,000 UK students embarked on an overseas study adventure in the academic year 2019/2020. This represents a significant increase compared to previous years.

Factors Driving the Increase

Several factors have contributed to the growing popularity of studying abroad among UK students. Firstly, universities and educational institutions are actively encouraging students to explore international opportunities. They recognize the benefits of global exposure and aim to provide students with a well-rounded education.

Secondly, advancements in technology and transportation have made it easier than ever for students to travel and study abroad. With affordable flights and improved communication tools, the world has become more accessible, ensuring that studying abroad is no longer a distant dream but a feasible reality for many.

Top Destinations for UK Students

When it comes to popular study abroad destinations, the United States remains a firm favorite among UK students. Its prestigious universities and diverse culture attract a significant number of British students each year. Additionally, European countries such as Germany, France, and Spain are also popular choices due to their proximity and rich academic offerings.

Moreover, a growing number of UK students are also considering destinations further afield, such as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. These countries boast world-class universities and offer unique experiences that appeal to adventurous students seeking to broaden their horizons.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

The decision to study abroad can be life-changing and immensely rewarding. It provides students with a host of benefits that extend beyond academics. Firstly, studying abroad fosters independence and self-reliance. It encourages students to step out of their comfort zones, adapt to new environments, and develop valuable life skills.

Secondly, studying abroad enhances cultural understanding and global awareness. By immersing oneself in a different culture, students gain a deeper appreciation for diversity, broaden their perspectives, and become more open-minded individuals.

Furthermore, studying abroad often leads to personal growth and increased self-confidence. It challenges students to overcome obstacles, navigate unfamiliar situations, and build resilience – all of which contribute to personal development and self-discovery.

Overcoming Challenges

While studying abroad offers numerous advantages, it is not without its challenges. One of the main obstacles faced by UK students is the financial aspect. Studying abroad can be expensive, and many students rely on scholarships, grants, or part-time jobs to fund their international education.

Additionally, language barriers, homesickness, and adapting to a new educational system can also pose challenges. However, with the right support and preparation, these obstacles can be overcome, and the rewards of studying abroad can far outweigh the difficulties.


The number of UK students studying abroad has been steadily increasing in recent years, with around 53,000 students taking advantage of this life-enriching opportunity in the academic year 2019/2020. Universities, advancements in technology, and the desire for a global perspective have all contributed to this rising trend. Studying abroad offers a multitude of benefits, including personal growth, cultural understanding, and enhanced career prospects. Despite the challenges, the rewards make studying abroad an experience that UK students should seriously consider.

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